Northern Public Health Inspection Districts


map of districts
District 1 
 Kurt Exner
(306) 425-8527
District 2 
 PHI Elisabeth Mukamana
(306) 425-8524
District 3
Cristina Okere
 (306) 425-8580
 District 4
      PHI         Temitope Omojola
(306) 425-8583
District 6
PHI Elisabeth Mukamana
(306) 425-8524
District 7
Mines & Exploration
Env. Health Protection Coordinator  
David Sampson
(306) 425-8584
Public Health Inspection Supervisor
(306) 425-8512

**Please Note PHI's employed under the Saskatchewan Health Authority only work in off reserve communities.  For on reserve requests please contact the Environmental Health Departments at PAGC (covers PBCN also), or MLTC.Communities by District